

"In the beginning God" Genesis 1/1 It is the Grace of God that has worked in my life so far. Before introducing myself, I give Him all the Glory.
My name is Armelle, I am in my early forties. I have dedicated my life to the Lord, whom I met in my earliest childhood.
In our relationship, the Lord taught me to put His Word into practice in my daily life as an active woman, as a mother, through the Holy Spirit. I was thus able, in turn, to reach out to other people.
With family and/or friends, I like going to the movies, doing creative art, discovering the world and its cuisine. I do boxing among other things and I listen to gospel very often.


At 12, becoming a stylist was my dream. To work in fashion, I had started to draw the outfits I had imagined , in my little pocket notebook. And I always added a personal touch to my clothes.
I then obtained my baccalaureate in a private college, whose mission is discipline, ethics and Christian faith, to respond to the issues and challenges of tomorrow.
I had the idea of ​​being able to run my own business. To do this, I followed a course in business school, I got a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration, a Master's degree in Project Management and a specialized Master's degree in Key Account Management.
From 17 years to today, I have accumulated experience in various professional fields at executive level, in addition to the charity that is closest to my heart. I wear many hats.
I have learned British English and Spanish. I am currently learning to familiarize myself with Biblical Hebrew.


Who, if not a woman who knows the same challenges, to better respond to the needs of other women affected by the same problem.
I have noticed that women with plus size figures do not always find what they are looking for in so-called "mainstream" stores and that they have a fairly limited choice.
Faced with the same difficulties during and after my pregnancies, I often had to buy my clothes abroad and/or postpone my shopping.
Also, large sizes when they are available in stores are not suitable for all body types with a limited choice, which does not always make you want them.
Which is a problem when nowadays, clothes no longer serve only to cover, but to reveal the personality and beauty of each woman in her singularity.
As Abraham Maslow said, "dressing" is one of the physiological needs of human beings and in my opinion every woman should be able to satisfy it without effort.
To do my bit, my answer is YOPHIY CURVES , a boutique specializing in plus-size clothing for women.
A solution that I propose to satisfy the clothing needs of women in often very busy daily lives, like mine.


The goal is to make available on my scale an original collection of plus size clothing , for women, adapted to all body types. With a varied, colorful restocking, adapted to the seasons, comfortable, chic and trendy.
I work with suppliers who share the same goal as me. I can therefore offer outfits with the best value for money, with payment facilities and delivery times at competitive prices.
However, the task is not easy, because the fashion market has not yet prioritized large sizes in terms of quality and availability of stocks; we must now look further afield and outside our borders.



"The Lord God made coats of skins for Adam and for his wife, and clothed them" (Genesis 3:21) God created fashion and the world was inspired by it.

Nowadays, it seems necessary to me to reflect on the importance of clothing for oneself, in relation to one's relationship with God.
I have made available " Our Journal ", access to which is available on the main menu.
I discuss themes on Women, Beauty and Fashion.
I share my experience, my tips and advice drawn from my life for women often under the weight of the dictates of Fashion.
Taking care of your body and enhancing it is good, but beyond appearance, Yophiy "Beauty" is first and foremost internal.
I propose another look at FAITH, based on a personal relationship with the Lord, which does not condemn, but which accompanies each woman, beyond her wardrobe.
To go further, YOPHIY CURVES supported by SAS EL-ELYON-ACT is an inclusive company, committed to the Work of the Lord Jesus Christ.
For over a decade, it has supported Orphans, Families and People with Disabilities at its level.
Its main mission is to proclaim the Gospel of CHRIST.
Mark 16:15-16


I still have a long way to go, I illustrate this with one of my personal photos below.
I also have the assurance that the Lord is always at my side. Matthew 28/20
With each step further, I give all the Glory to Jesus Christ, my Lord and personal Savior, for what He has done, what He is doing and what He will still do.